Our comprehensive range of classroom-based and practical training can be held at our training rooms in Hilton Hall or a suitable venue of your choice

We also offer CITB  and competency courses at our training partners venues.



Email: info@safewiseuk.com      Tel: 01922 279 129


Anyone who fits abrasive wheels to work equipment or uses work equipment fitted with abrasive wheels should take this course to comply with the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, 1998, and the Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974.

Course Content Includes:

  • Employer’s and employee’s legal responsibilities
  • Hazards arising from the use of abrasive wheels
  • Methods of marking abrasive wheels
  • Methods of storage, handling and transportation
  • Testing and inspection
  • Methods of mounting on equipment
  • Method of dressing wheels
  • Compounds used in manufacturing
  • Accident statistics

Completion of the course:

Successful candidates will receive a certificate of attendance. 

Course duration: 3 hours


This course is aimed at Health & Safety Managers, Managers of buildings and building trades, Plumbers, Electricians, Painters & Decorators, Gas Fitters, Cable Layers, Demolition Workers, Plasterers, Heating & Ventilation Engineers, Roofing Contractors, Fire & Burglar Alarm Installers, and General Maintenance Staff. 

Course Content Includes:

  • Asbestos – related history 
  • Asbestos types and sources
  • Applications, and asbestos in buildings
  • Health effects 
  • Legislation – current update
  • Surveys – accreditation and training
  • Working with asbestos registers
  • Outline of management duties

Completion of the course:

After successfully passing a short test, successful candidates will receive a certificate.


This course trains operatives in the correct operation of the Cable Avoiding Tool (CAT) and Signal Generator (Genny). The equipment is used to locate underground cables and services. The equipment should not be used by operators without proper training.

The cable avoiding tool and signal generator (genny) are commonly used to locate underground cable and pipes on-site, but they are often used by untrained staff. This could result in errors being made, and the possibility of accidents occurring. This course will enable delegates to understand fully the correct operation and functions of this equipment.

Course content includes:

  • Theory of cable location
  • Controls and display indications
  • Calibrating, and pre-use tests
  • Operation of power and radio modes
  • Compatibility between C.A.T. and genny
  • Operational techniques
  • Use of accessories supplied
  • Use with sonde
  • Accuracy of results

Completion of the course:
Delegates will take a short written test and receive a course handout summarising the topics covered. Successful delegates will receive a training certificate and photo ID card.


This course provides instruction in health and safety for managers and employees working on site, and also covers the workplace in general. It will help both employers and employees to comply with the law regarding to health and safety. 

This is the CITB course necessary to obtain the CSCS Green Site Labourers card. 

Please note:
In order to gain the Green CSCS Card, delegates will also be required to complete the Health, Safety & Environmental (Operatives) Touch Screen Test.

Course Content Includes:

  • Employer’s and employee’s legal responsibilities
  • Accident reporting & emergency procedures
  • Risk assessments
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 
  • Manual Handling
  • Working at height
  • Working with electricity
  • Noise & vibration
  • Fire prevention
  • Working in confined spaces
  • COSHH Regulations


This course is essential for anyone that manages’ or controls work in a confined space. The course is based in the classroom and does not involve a practical assessment. Please note that this course does NOT qualify delegates to physically enter a confined space.

Who is the course for?

This course is essential for anyone who manages’ or controls work in a confined space. The course is based in the classroom and does not involve a practical assessment.

Course content includes:

  • Current legislation
  • Hazard identification
  • Equipment selection
  • Permits to work
  • Safe working procedures
  • Hygiene
  • Gas detection
  • Breathing apparatus
  • Accident and emergency procedures

Completion of the course:
Delegates will complete a written assessment. Successful delegates will be issued with a training certificate and photo ID card.


An essential training course for any operatives who carry out or intend to carry out work in confined spaces. This 2 day course also covers the use of full breathing apparatus, for use when the air in a confined space is known not to be breathable.

Who is the course for?
This course is essential for operatives who carry our or intend to carry out work in confined spaces. The 2 day course covers the use of full breathing apparatus.

Course content includes:

  • Current legislation Hazard identification 

  • Equipment selection

  • Permits to work 

  • Safe working procedures

  • Hygiene

  • Gas detection

  • Use of oxygen escape sets and full breathing apparatus

  • Accident and emergency procedure

Completion of the course:

Delegates will complete written and practical assessments. Successful delegates will be issued with a training certificate and photo ID card.


An essential training course for any operatives who carry out or intend to carry out work in confined spaces.

Who is the course for?
This course is essential for operatives who carry out or intend to carry out work in confined spaces.

Course content includes:

  • Current legislation
  • Hazard identification
  • Equipment selection
  • Permits to work
  • Safe working procedures
  • Hygiene
  • Gas detection
  • Use of oxygen escape sets
  • Accident and emergency procedures

Completion of the course:
A short theory assessment will be completed. Course material and handouts will be supplied. Successful delegates will be issued with a training certificate and photo ID card.


This course is designed for anyone who works with or handles substances that are potentially hazardous to health and deals with COSHH legislation. COSHH sheets will be introduced, and actions for Emergency First Aid will be highlighted. Disposal and storage of hazardous substances will also be discussed.

Course Content Includes:​

  • Welcome & introduction
  • Employer's and employee's legal responsibilities
  • Definitions
  • Principles of prevention
  • 5 Steps to Risk Assessment
  • Quantitative and Qualitative assessment
  • Recording of significant findings
  • Method statement development
  • Effective communication
  • Control systems & monitoring
  • Accident statistics

Completion of the Course:

Duration: 2 Hours​

Candidates will take a short written test, and receive a course handout summarising the topics covered. Successful candidates will receive a certificate of attendance.

This course is intended for Demolition Operatives who require a general overview of health and safety issues and how they affect their activities. 
Course Aims and Objectives

To keep site personnel up to date with health and safety legislation.  This half day course can be used as preparation for the health and safety test or as a refresher for staff who have attended a course before recent legislative changes were made. 

  • Individuals responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act
  • Specific demolition hazards  How demolition hazards are controlled
  • How everyone on-site can help achieve better practical standards of safety on site
  • Risk Assessment / Hazard Spotting Exercises 


This course is provided in association with Nuco Training to give candidates the appointed person first aid qualification. This is the minimum qualification required for a person appointed by an employer to take charge of First Aid arrangements.

Course Content Includes:

  • Definition of First Aid
  • Responsibilities of an appointed person
  • Actions in an emergency 
  • Breathing & circulation 
  • Airway obstruction
  • Resuscitation
  • Treatment of bleeding
  • Dressings & bandages
  • Treatment of shock

Completion of the course:

Candidates will be practically assessed, and receive a course handout summarising the topics covered. Successful candidates will receive an Emergency First Aid at Work certificate.

Day Rate (upto 8 delegates £600 + VAT)



​This course is for those who are required to wear a tight fitting facepiece during their works. 

Course Content Includes:

  • Regulatory overview and legal responsibilities 
  • Reasons for the dust mask training
  • Types of dust masks 
  • Face Fitting of dust mask 
  • Qualitative assessment

Completion of the course:

Candidates on completion of the course will receive a certificate stating the Make, Model, and serial number of the Dust mask tested on.

This can be carried out at our premises in Wolverhampton or onsite where required (minimum of 6 x delegates for onsite).


This course is for employees who are to be designated as Fire Wardens, or who have responsibilities to ensure that their employers are complying with current legislation relating to fire precautions. There is also a practical content showing the use of fire extinguishing equipment.

Course Content Includes:

  • Fire legislation
  • Action on discovering a fire
  • Behaviour of fire and smoke
  • Chemistry of combustion
  • Fire drills
  • Properties and recognition of extinguishers
  • Use of extinguishers
  • Sprinkler systems

Completion of the course:

Candidates will take a short written test, a practical assessment using the new VR system, and receive a course handout summarising the topics covered. Successful candidates will receive a certificate of competence.

Duration: 3 hours

Day Rate (upto 8 x delegates) enquire within



This course is provided in association with Nuco Training to give candidates the First Aid at Work qualification. This will enable successful candidates to carry out the duties of a First Aider in the workplace.

Course Content Includes:

  • Principles of First Aid
  • The role of the First Aider
  • Actions in an emergency 
  • Breathing & circulation 
  • Airway obstruction
  • Resuscitation
  • Treatment of bleeding
  • Dressings & bandages
  • Treatment of shock

Completion of the course:

Candidates will be individually practically assessed, and receive a course handout summarising the topics covered. Successful candidates will receive a First Aid at Work certificate.


The new regulations in Control of Vibration at Work act Regulations 2005. The new regulations impose strict new limits on the length of time employers can expose workers to vibration and employers will be liable to criminal prosecution if the regulations are ignored.

The Hand Arm Vibration Training Course will raise awareness to the operator/employer on how to prevent Hand Arm Vibration (HAV).


  • Provide training on health risks and the safe use of equipment
  • Assess the risk of the health of employees and plan for its control
  • Manage the risk by measuring the vibration on all you’re machines
  • Provide suitable equipment
  • Maintain equipment
  • Provide health surveillance for your employees where risks cannot be completely eliminated
  • Provide reports to the relevant authorities of cases of HAVS
  • Describe and discuss the medical condition and assess the groups at risk
  • The best ways of avoiding HAVS
  • The correct way to hold and operate machinery
  • Which workers are at risk
  • Which tools are at risk

Candidates will receive a certificate of attendance

Course duration is 2 hours


This course gives candidates an in-depth knowledge of harnesses and their use. It will enable candidates to select, inspect and use a harness correctly, whether for general use or for use with Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPS).

Course Content Includes:

  • Legal responsibilities for workers and employers
  • Using harnesses
  • Hierarchy of control
  • Choice of harness and lanyard
  • Pre-use checks
  • Interim Inspections
  • Mandatory Inspections
  • Rescue situations
  • Keeping of records

Completion of the course:

Candidates will receive a certificate of attendance


We are pleased to offer our newest training course Basic Principles of HR, and will be held at our offices within Hilton Hall, Wolverhampton.

The great news is that, if we are your retained HR advisors, the course is free of charge.

This course will enable employers to have a better understanding of the principles of HR within your business, as well as providing tips on how to get the best out of your HR practices.

This is a 4 hour’ informal training session would be for Directors, Senior Managers or those responsible for HR within the organisation.  

Course content:

Recruitment and Selection



Working Hours

Contracts of Employment

Layoffs and Short-term working

Types of Employment Contracts




Amending Contracts

Grievance Procedures

Annual Leave

Fair & Unfair Dismissal

Pay and Wages

ACAS Code of Conduct

There will be time for questions and answers with our experienced HR Advisors at the end of the training.


The IOSH Managing Safely course provides accredited health & safety training for managers and senior staff across a wide range of businesses.

Managers and Senior staff are required to manage efficiently and effectively in compliance with both the organisation's safety policy and current health & safety legislation.

Course content includes:

  • Safety management models and risk management
  • The nature of commonly encountered hazards
  • Human factors affecting safety performance
  • Accident causation and investigation
  • Recognition and control of workplace hazards
  • Effective communication
  • Specialised hazards
  • The Costs of accidents

Completion of the course:
Delegates will take a written test and complete a project. Successful delegates will receive the IOSH Managing Safely certificate


The IPAF Powered Access Licence is internationally recognised as the foremost qualification for the operation of powered access platforms (MEWPS). This course covers the most common categories which are 3a and 3b (Scissor Lifts and Boom Lifts). If only one category is required there is a cost reduction of £50   


Who is the course for:
This course is essential for anyone who operates access platforms on site.
Course content includes:
  • Employer’s and employee’s legal responsibilities

  • Different categories of MEWPs

  • Main structural parts of MEWPs

  • Pre-use inspections

  • Testing and inspection

  • Safe operating methods

  • Practical training

Completion of the course:
Delegates will take a written test and a practical assessment. Successful delegates will receive a certificate and the IPAF Powered Access Licence, showing the categories on which they have been trained. The licence is internationally accepted.


This course is provided in association with the Ladder Association to give candidates certificated training in the use of ladders and steps.

Course Content Includes:

  • Overview of legislation & regulations
  • Hazards in using ladders & stepladders 
  • Selection of appropriate work at height equipment
  • Determination of when it is appropriate to use ladders or stepladders
  • Standards and classifications
  • Correct inspection techniques
  • Storage, handling and maintenance

Completion of the course:

Candidates will take a short written test, and be practically assessed. They will receive a course handout summarising the topics covered. Successful candidates will receive a certificate and photo I/D card issued by the Ladder Association. Candidates wishing to be trained in Ladder Inspection can undertake the Ladder Association Ladder Inspection course.

Duration: Half Day


What conflict is and how to manage negative conflict, using the right method for the situation.

The skills to help you gain a solution to negative conflicts

The legal requirements when handling a grievance

Course Content:

  • Types of conflict
  • Bullying and Harassment
  • 5 steps to preventing conflict
  • Informal methods of managing conflict
  • The standard grievance procedure
  • The right to be accompanied
  • Mediation, Arbitration and Conciliation 
  • Case Studies
  • Scenarios

Training carried out by our CIPD Qualified HR Professionals.

This course provides training on kinetic lifting techniques for individual lifting as well as information on the requirements for carrying out a TILE assessment under the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992

Course Content Includes:

  • Employer’s and employee’s legal responsibilities
  • Common hazards when lifting & moving 
  • Accident statistics
  • TILE risk assessments 
  • Causes of injury & strain
  • Main parts of the spine
  • Correct handling techniques
  • Weight limits and guidelines
  • Assessment of individual safe limits

Duration: 3 Hours

Completion of the course:

Candidates will receive a course handout summarising the topics covered. Candidates will receive a certificate of attendance.


Anyone who works with mobile aluminium scaffold towers should take this course, to comply with the duties placed upon employers and employees by law.

Course Content :

This course is the standard tower course approved by PASMA, which is the main international body governing scaffold towers. Topics covered include:

  • Employer’s and employee’s legal responsibilities

  • Tower components

  • Pre-use inspection

  • Safe methods of erection & dismantling

  • Variances in manufacture

  • Common hazards

  • Practical training

Completion of the course:

Candidates will take a written test, and following practical training also take a practical assessment. Successful candidates will receive a certificate issued by PASMA and a photo I.D. PASMA licence, which is internationally accepted. 

Employees or managers wishing to become an appointed person for Portable Appliance (PAT) Testing within organisations utilising electrical appliances.

Course Content Includes:

  • Employer’s and employee’s legal responsibilities

  • Visual inspections

  • Class I Tests

  • Class II Tests 

  • Flash testing

  • Hazards of incorrect testing

  • Electronic tester operating techniques

  • Recording results

  • Labeling of equipment

Completion of the course:

Candidates will receive a practical assessment and receive a course handout summarising the topics covered. Candidates will receive a certificate of competence. Please note this course does not cover 3 phase equipment. ​

Duration: 1 Day


This course is for those responsible for writing risk assessments and method statements. Example exercises will be undertaken. Differences between hazards and risks will be explained. Candidates will produce risk assessments and method statements as part of the course record.​

Course Content Includes:​

  • Welcome & introduction
  • Regulatory overview and legal duties
  • Definitions
  • Principles of prevention
  • 5 Steps to Risk Assessment
  • Recording of significant findings
  • Method statement development
  • Effective communication
  • Control systems & monitoring​

Duration: 3 Hours​

Completion of the course:​ Candidates will carry out a practical and receive a certificate of attendance.


Safewise Essentials: Best Practices and Legislation

I hope this email finds you well.

At Safewise, we are committed to supporting our members in safeguarding their workforce through comprehensive Health & Safety consultancy services. While our focus has traditionally been on protecting workers via advice, risk assessments, training, and workplace inspections, we recognise the crucial role that owners, managers, and supervisors play in maintaining a safe working environment.

To address this, we are continuing to offer our unique course designed to enhance the understanding and competence of those in leadership positions. Our Owner/Manager and Supervisor Course is a comprehensive 4-hour monthly session that covers:

  • Health & Safety legislation
  • Real-life case studies
  • Best practices for workplace safety

This course is invaluable for ensuring owners, managers, and supervisors fully know their responsibilities. By participating, your business can demonstrate a commitment to ongoing training and be used as evidence for safety accreditations.

Key Benefits of Attending:

  • Gain in-depth knowledge of relevant H&S legislation
  • Learn from real-world case studies to better understand potential risks
  • Implement best practices to enhance workplace safety
  • Provide documented training evidence for safety accreditations

We highly encourage you to book a place on this course for yourself or a colleague to not only bolster the H&S knowledge within your business but also to contribute to a safer, more compliant workplace. The next course date will …..

Thank you for your continued commitment to health and safety. We look forward to seeing you at our next session.


The Site Manager's Safety Training Scheme (SMSTS) course is the most recognised training course for site managers in the UK. It is accredited by the CITB and covers all aspects of health and safety on site. This day release course is run over 5 weeks, with delegates attending 1 day per week.

Who is the course for?
Individuals responsible for planning, organising, monitoring controlling and administering a work force on site. Typically, there would be site managers, potential site managers, and senior staff with health & safety responsibilities.

Course content includes:

  • Health & Safety legal responsibilities

  • Managing Health & Safety at work

  • Risk assessments

  • Management of sub-contractors

  • Measuring & monitoring of performance

  • Hazards - Asbestos, Electricity, Fire

  • New Roads & Streetworks

  • Working at Height

  • Personal protection

Completion of the course:

Course assessment is determined by achievement in four criteria:

  • Full attendance of all sessions

  • Key exercises undertaken during the course

  • Overall assessment by the course tutor

  • Written examination paper

Successful delegates will receive the SMSTS certificate awarded by the CITB and be entered onto the CITB Construction Training Register.


This course is administered by Construction Skills and is designed for all individuals responsible for planning, organising, monitoring, controlling and administering a workforce. Typically these would be site managers, potential site managers, supervisors, and anyone with health and safety responsibilities.

Course Content Includes:

  • Health & Safety legal responsibilities

  • Managing Health & Safety at work

  • Risk assessments

  • Management of sub-contractors

  • Measuring & monitoring performance

  • Hazards - Asbestos, Electricity, Fire

  • New Roads & Streetworks

  • Working at Height

  • Personal protection

Completion of the course:

Course assessment is determined by achievement in four criteria:

  • Full attendance of all sessions

  • Key exercises are undertaken during the course

  • Overall assessment by the tutor

  • Written examination paper

Successful candidates will receive the SMSTS certificate awarded by Construction Skills.


This course is administered by Construction Skills and is designed for first-line managers or those about to acquire supervisory duties. It explains the individual's legal and moral responsibilities and gives guidance in the monitoring of safety practices of groups of operatives. It will prepare candidates for the more involved Site Management Safety Training Scheme (SMSTS).

Course Content includes:

  • Health & Safety legal responsibilities
  • Managing Health & Safety at Work
  • Risk assessments
  • Management of sub-contractors
  • Measuring & monitoring performance
  • Hazards on site
  • Working at height
  • Personal protection

Completion of the course:

Candidates will complete a written test, and successful candidates will receive the SSSTS Certificate issued by Construction Skills.

SSSTS Site Supervisor's Safety Training Scheme Refresher Training Course - £175 p/p

The Site Supervisor's Safety Training Scheme (SSSTS) course is the most recognised training course for site supervisors in the UK. It is accredited by the CITB and covers all aspects of health and safety on site. This refresher course will renew the qualification for a further 5 years. Delegates must hold an unexpired SSSTS certificate to be eligible for this course.

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for first time managers or those about to acquire supervisory duties on site. It explains the individual's legal and moral responsibilities and gives guidance in the monitoring of groups of operatives. It will prepare delegates for the more involved Site Manager's Safety Training Scheme (SMSTS).

Course content includes:

  • Health & Safety legal responsibilities
  • Managing Health & Safety at work
  • Risk assessments
  • Management of sub-contractors
  • Measuring & monitoring of performance
  • Hazards on site
  • Working at Height
  • Personal protection

Completion of the course:

Course assessment is determined by achievement in four criteria:

  • Full attendance of all sessions
  • Key exercises undertaken during the course
  • Overall assessment by the course tutor
  • Written examination paper

Successful delegates will receive the SSSTS certificate awarded by the CITB and be entered onto the CITB Construction Training Register.

The law requires that anyone who wears a tight-fitting dust mask should be trained and tested to ensure the mask they are wearing gives the protection it is designed to do.

If you would like to carry out Face Fit dust mask Training/Testing on your own workers, we offer this course for £165.00 + VAT per delegate.

This course offers the flexibility to be able to train/test your own employees.

Thousands are estimated to die every year because of exposure to various hazardous substances. Exposure can be substantially reduced when the correct Respiratory Protective Equipment are fitted.

The training includes:

  • Why Face Fit Testing
  • The Law
  • Set-up of the Equipment
  • Dust Mask Selection
  • The Sensitivity Test
  • Practical face fit testing

There is a practical element to this course and upon successful completion, candidates will receive a certificate of competency.

In order to carry out your own testing, you will need to bring a Qualitative face fit testing kit, or we can supply a kit for an additional cost (see our website.).

Please note: Even though this training course is referred to as "train the trainer" it only provides training to allow the attendees to conduct Qualitative face fit testing of their own employees, not to enable them to teach the subject themselves.

If you provide respiratory protective equipment (RPE) to your employees, then it is essential that you have documentary evidence to show the RPE fits the wearer. By subjecting each wearer to a face-fit test you can be sure that your organisation is fulfilling the requirements laid out by the HSE.

Recent research indicates that a large number of the RPE used, does not offer the wearer the level of protection assumed and one of the major reasons is that it simply does not fit!


This course is for managers and employees and gives candidates a good overall knowledge of the Working at Heights Regulations, 2005. This will enable candidates to organize and plan working at height, avoid risks and select appropriate work equipment for a particular task.

Course Content Includes:

  • Overview of the Working at Height Regulations

  • Accident statistics

  • Definition of Work at Height

  • Risk assessment and hierarchy of measures 

  • Organization & planning

  • Selection of appropriate equipment

  • Use of ladders and stepladders

  • Inspection of equipment

  • Emergency procedures

Completion of the course:

Candidates will receive a course handout summarising the topics covered. Candidates will receive a certificate of attendance.

What Our Clients Say

A fantastic company with fantastic staff. Always incredibly attentive and knowledgeable. They know how to look after their customers, with exclusive offers for existing clients given. Safewise is a company you can trust! Well done to the Safewise team!

Boundary Services

We have used Safewise Health and Safety on a few occasions to help us with Manual Handling Training for our staff. We had a trainer come to our offices in 2019 and then completed online training in 2021 due to Covid restrictions. We found both courses to be a very positive experience with good content which the staff enjoyed. Andrenna is very efficient and I found her extremely helpful. We will continue to use Safewise for any future training and have no hesitation in recommending them.

Anne Duffy,
Mercian Surgical Supply Co Limited

Please thank all the staff at safewise for your hard work. Your service has been nothing short of exceptional and I really appreciate your support.

Brett McIIvenna,
Edwinstowe Project Management Ltd

Just to say thank you very much for the help with our CHAS application. Very fast turnaround, fantastic service!

Chris MacGregor,

At Ricoh UK Products Ltd, the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees is our top priority. To help support this, we have recently began working with SafeWise Health, Safety and HR Advisors to deliver a number of our Health & Safety training courses. The training we have had delivered so far has been very well received and we are already starting to see that the training is being implemented in the workplace… thank you to SafeWise for a great experience so far, and we look forward to continuing our work with you in the future.

Claire Shepherd,
Ricoh UK Products Ltd

As a business Matthews and Tannert have entrusted in SafeWise to be our Health and safety external advisors, they are very reliable and forthcoming with solutions to any issues that may arise, thorough with their evaluations and offer a first class service that is second to none

Craig Matthews,
Matthews & Tannert

Working with Safewise has been instrumental in our ability to provide top-notch maintenance services while keeping health and safety at the forefront of our operations

Darren O'Neill,
Arrow Services (Midlands)

The Phoenix Pattern & Tool Co Ltd have recently taken on Safewise as our Health & Safety Advisors. We could not be happier with the service received so far. Sean, our consultant, has been extremely helpful and super efficient. Everyone we have been in contact with from our initial telephone enquiry to the setting up of our H&S management system has been helpful and efficient. One of our directors attended the Directors and senior manager training and found it very informative; the rest will attend soon. We feel safe in the knowledge that we will be compliant and that Safewise will be available as our responsible person going forward.

Dawn Farrugia,
The Phoenix Pattern & Tools Co Ltd

We first used Safewise for up-skilling some of our staff in relation to Risk Assessment. Everyone who attended found the course not only useful but also professionally run, with the teacher able to account for the candidates learning needs. From this our relationship has grown, with further training identified in the next year. Not only is the training professional, but so is everyone else who I have come across at Safewise

Gary Morrison,
Busch (UK) Ltd

HR Managing Disciplinary and Performance Procedures Course - ‘It was brilliant! Olivia delivered an informative session with a perfect balance of open discussions and explanations. Her presentation skills were spot on with a relaxed but professional approach Olivia made the content engaging and easy to understand, the team and I took a lot away from this session and we will be taking part in more of these in the future.’

George Gibson,
The Chase Golf Club & Country Club

"Although we’ve only been partnered with Safewise UK for a short time, their service has been exceptional. They hit the ground running, delivering a highly professional, customer-focused approach. Gary, Sean, and Olivia have provided outstanding support, offering instant feedback and assistance whenever needed. We look forward to strengthening this partnership in the future."

George Gibson,
The Chase Golf Club & Country Club

We went with Safewise as are our H&S advisors this year and could not be more happier. Great company to work with, very knowledgable and always willing to help. They supported us through process of accreditation's, assisted us with risk assessments and method statements. 100% recommend.

Gundars Savickis,
G-Line Ltd

Following a dust mask `Train the Trainer' course 'Thank you for delivering such an informative course, I thoroughly enjoyed it'

Hannah Mason,

Just wanna say i'm loving the online training! Site is really user friendly

Hayley Burford,
Steel and Site

Having spent many hours toiling through the CHAS process for a number of years using external H&S consultants, internal H&S officers and many man hours on site for supervisors and managers, I finally decided to speak to SafeWise who I had been using for a couple of years for training purposes. They offered a very reasonable package which was implemented swiftly, processes were initialised, resources pooled together, advice and guidance given and within a short time frame we had successfully obtained our CHAS certification. Stress free and efficient. Outstanding communication throughout the whole process. Money very well spent. Would strongly recommend SafeWise for H&S consultancy and CHAS.

Helen Turner,
JG Woodcock

We have retained Gary and his team as our Heath & Safety advisers for our company after they provided us with a friendly but professional service

Jane Cairns,

Dear Gary / Sean and all the team at Safewise, As we have just renewed our yearly agreement with yourselves it seemed like an ideal point to drop you a line to thank you for all your work with JA Burke Construction Ltd to date. In the two years since employing Safewise as our external advisors we have made great strides in improving not only overall company health and safety but progression for the individuals involved, from operatives on the ground, supervisors, office staff and managers. This improvement has been structured and planned working at a pace to suit the company and the individuals and Sean is always on hand to offer advice and support where when required. Many of the supervisors have seemed to have taken the aspects learned from managing good health and safety and used this to improving other fields in the work environment. Judging from the positive feedback from clients I am sure all of the above can only strengthen our position when competing for future tenders and we look to building our relationship over the next year.

Jim Burke,
JA Burke

The course was great, it was very informative and well managed

Jon Browning,
Frank Allart

We would like to go ahead and renew the contract please (we’ve been most pleased with your services this year!)

Kate Roberts,
Enterprise Electrical Services ltd

We have recently employed Safewise as our external health and safety advisors. We are very pleased with the service they offer, they’re professional, reliable, and are always on hand to answer any queries we have and advise the best way possible. Top notch service and we look forward to continuing our journey with them.

Katherine Shaw,
Crane Care ltd

Safewise have provided excellent service at competitive cost and helped to develop our H&S system beyond the results of our previous external consultants

Ken Burdon,
Trading Contracts Ltd

Excellent service both during the Covid-19 Pandemic and previously. Friendly and informative staff, would highly recommend.

Kirsty Unitt,
Unitty Specialist Cleaning

Safewise provided Health and Safety training to our senior management team as part of an implementation of revised site set up for H&S procedures. They did this is a knowledgeable but still personable way, and engaged well with all members of the team. They continue to provide day to day answers to any H&S queries we have in a timely and professional manner, and also conduct site surveys for us as and when required. The whole Safewise team are an excellent service provider for all things H&S

Libby Price,
B Price Limited

Safewise have provided an invaluable service to our company, as a result of their straight forward and easy to follow, health and safety documentation. Alongside this their team is extremely responsive, providing expert support and guidance for any issue that may be faced. I can confidently recommend Safewise to other businesses.

Lisa Bladen,
S.Clift Building Contractors Ltd

Safewise have proven to be professional, reliable and efficient in both training and health and safety audit provision. Mark Eustace Health, Safety & Environment Manager

Mark Eustace,
Jessup Brothers

I would highly recommend SafeWise as any-ones Health & Safety adviser, we have never been questioned by any developer when issuing Rams etc because they are correct first time every time, he is always on hand for advise, be it in normal working hours or his personal time

Mark Spinks,
Burntwood Installations

Safewise have been amazing during our time with them. Always available to help with all HR issues, support and advice when ever called upon. Would highly recommend for all HR and H&S support.

Matt Bartley,
Copy IT

We've used Safewise for over 10 years now, not only use them as our health and safety advice, but also for our HR. The new system they have created is really superb and brilliant for our employees and what we need. It simplifies all our policies, employee contracts, holidays etc. into one place. Would definately recommend for H&S and HR for any company!

PR Moore Scaffolding Ltd

As an organisation with ever changing needs and demands, and H&S being first on our priority list I could not praise SafeWise more! They are extremely flexible and professional, they take the time to understand our business and deliver an exceptional service. Their trainers have excellent knowledge and tailor their training to suit our policies and procedures as well as advise on how we as a business can also make improvements. I have had nothing but positive feedback from our staff at all levels throughout the business for the training that has been delivered, from both a Training and Health and Safety point of view they are our most favoured training provider.

Sascha Rauch,
Epson Telford Ltd

We have used SafeWise as our Health & Safety Consultant for the 2nd year now and find their knowledge, feedback, and reporting to be exceptional

Steve Stanier,
Commercial Director

We have worked with Safewise for over a year now. Implementing & updating robust health and safety policies & procedures is vital for our pest control company. Safewise has accomplished this and more including helpful training courses.

Stuart Howes,
Greenlab Pestcontrol Ltd

We Paint It Ltd - we have used Safe Wise as our Health and Safety Advisors for the last eight months. We have found the company to be very thorough and efficient, and a special thank you to Sam Crowton and the team.

Sue Brend,
Wet Paint It


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